Thursday, April 17, 2008

My morning so far...

Step 1: wake up way later than I wanted...I guess I might need to start setting that alarm clock again.

Step 2: rush to shower while the baby is still sleeping. With this I had success.

Step 3: Put pajamas back on (they haven't been spit-up or pooped on yet, so I can't be frivilously changing clothes. I already have way too much laundry as it is).

Step 4: Hurry to make coffee. This is a long process lately since the house is on the market. We have our coffee maker put away, so I actually have to boil water and pour it through the little plastic coffee filter. I forgot what it's like to live without the automatic coffee maker. I don't like it.

Step 5: Retrieve baby. He woke up!

Step 6: Get baby ready for day...this involves details that I'm sure you'd rather not read....

Step 7: Get newspaper off porch, realize that there are two days worth of newspaper still on the coffee table. Venture outside with baby to put them in the recycle bin

Step 8: Get socks wet outside

Step 9: Realize the door is locked! STUPID HABIT!

Step 10: Realize all doors to house are locked.

Step 11: Begin to panic! I have no key to get in, and most importantly NO DIAPERS! No matter what I figure out to do, the baby cannot make it through a whole day without a fresh diaper. Even if I could get to the store, I can't go in wearing wet socks. Plus I have no phone. I could go to my neighbor's house, but even if I had a phone I couldn't call Troy to come since he's administering standardized tests at school. The baby is starting to get cold.

Step 12: Start checking windows in vain. I am a compulsive window locker. WAIT! Troy isn't a window locker. The two bathroom windows are unlocked!

Step 13: Try to figure out how to climb up on the stool outside and through one of two tiny windows with a baby, lower myself down onto the toilet (yes, it's under the window in both cases, and yes the lids are up on both), and not hurt/drop the baby. Meanwhile, the dogs escape out of the backyard and start to pee in the neighbor's yard.

Step 14: Put dogs back in yard, decide the window-with-baby maneuver is too risky.

Step 15: Look around to find somewhere to put the baby while I climb through the window. The car is out of the guessed it: LOCKED! The grass won't work, it's cold and wet, the patio furniture is hard and the baby could roll off....but, Ah-HAH! The recycle bin (why this whole mess started) might be just the ticket!

Step 16: Re-arrange the newspapers in the bin, covering plastic juice bottles, glass root-beer bottles and milk cartons the best I can.
Try to line the side of the sticky recycle bin so the baby won't get any gunk on his face in the event that he tips.

Step 17: Prop baby up on garbage inside the recycle bin which I have lovingly placed on the porch so I can get him out as soon as possible.

Step 18: Run and wiggle myself up and over the window in a limbo-type move that I thought I couldn't perform anymore. Barely avoid sticking my muddy socks in the toilet bowl. Forget to shut window (which I discovered later).

Step 19: Retrieve baby, feeling like a terrible mother, from the recycle bin. He's a little cold, but otherwise seems happy.

Step 20: JOY OF JOYS! My coffee is still warm, so my water-boiling has not been in vain!


Lindsay said...

Ok, this story was hilarious...and I could completely picture you wiggling your way through that window! Heehee!

jhoch said...

Thanks for a good laugh Stevie! I'm sure I'll do something similar, at least at the rate I'm going over the past few months (definitely have lost the keys, among other things, one too many times).

Elizabeth said...

That is really funny...and you are not a bad mother, just REALLY adventurous...

Andrew, Arianna, Liam, and Asher said...

So funny! And don't worry, I've done it... twice, and with the baby locked inside with me out. I have to say though, once wasn't my fault, really, no really. We were at high school camp the first weekend we got to Rockford and I put Liam down for a nap in the pack and play inside our cabin room and shut the door. What kind of kids' cabins have automatic locks on the doors (up at the top of the door too by the way so you don't even notice it)?! Seriously, there was no way to not lock the door if it was ever shut completely! But, yeah, the other time was my fault and that's an even weirder story.

Kevin and Becky said...

So funny that Kevin called me at work to have me read it. I can just see Jude hanging out in the recycle bin. Maybe he will start being conscience of his carbon foot print now because of his close encounter with recycling. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Stevi, thank for the laughter. I really thought that was a great story. Can't say I ever had to put Seth or Hannah in a recycling bin but of course they were 4 & 7 years old by the time we lived in an area that had recycling. Miss you lots the Weber's

Dustin & Heidi Greenup said...

Hopefully for your own sanity, you won't have those type of days every morning! Good thing Troy doesn't lock the windows. That's the excuse I give Heidi every day when I forget to lock our back door or close our garage...'you'll thank me if you get locked out for some reason'.

Cynthia said...

I have to say that gave me quite a chuckle. I could picture each step in my head and how frantic you must have been. I also know that it will be a great story to tell. Can't wait til you guys get back...hopefully we will be here and not moving. Say some prayers!


Paul and Cynthia Coppinger said...

My sister tagged me to do a memoir. So now I am tagging y'all! Have fun!


Erin MacPherson said...

Seriously, Stevi, what kind of mother are you putting your BABY in a GARBAGE BIN?? :)