Thursday, April 3, 2008

Please Pray Again!

Hey Everyone,

Troy's student who is pregnant with twins called last night. After a week of despairing, and struggling through some treatment (she found out not long ago that she has sickle cell), she said that she's decided to get an abortion and she's not changing her mind.

Please pray that God would soften her heart and change her mind. Please pray that we would know how to move forward and witness to her if she does it. It's hard for me not to hate her right now, but I know Jesus died for this too.

Today and tomorrow are critical. I am not sure which day she's planning to have the abortion, but I think it will probably be Saturday. Her other appointments to do it (both of which she's skipped), have both been on Saturdays.

Thank you!


Dustin & Heidi Greenup said...

We will be praying...there are many many couples who would adopt them in a heartbeat! I know you probably have communicated that to her, but we'll pray she might consider that...sickle-cell and all.

Andrew, Arianna, Liam, and Asher said...

WoW! It's so heartbreaking hearing this! We definitely will be praying.