Today is the first day of school at Veritas! Troy and I are both teaching (a little), and looking forward to the day. My dance class starts today! YIKES! I haven't actually danced consistently since 2001! Yeah, I have a lot of work to do to get back into shape!
We are looking forward to a very different school year. Teaching in a classical Christian school is going to be VERY different than the...ahem...challenging...schools we're used to. It's strange to imagine no fights, no getting sworn at, no security guards, no bathroom duty (to make sure no mischief takes place in the bathrooms), no locker! What will we do for entertainment at night with no stories to tell?
Troy is also doing the Vice Principal thing, and very well, I might add. He loves it, and has been working really hard to prepare for this school year. He and I get to teach a Bible course together to 8th graders. I teach girls, he teaches boys. We're looking forward to planning lessons together and seeing what God will do!
Well, Jude is crawling. Troy disagrees, since it's slow and still painful to watch...but I think it should definitely be classified as crawling. He actually moves his hands now, which was the problem all along, and can get across the room--even if it takes 15 minutes.
And, after much angst, Jude has once again decided that solid food is ok. We had a couple of weeks in there where he was on strike, but now he's decided it's great fun to eat. He particularly wants what's on our plates. Usually we don't give in, but yesterday I was out to lunch with my sister-in-law, and he was driving me nuts because he was bored in the high chair. (I still forget food for him often.) So, I decided to give him a taste of my hummus, which turned into crazy-hummus-loving-baby fussing constantly through lunch for more. By the end of the meal, he had eaten almost all my hummus. I decided I will make him some "baby" hummus at home..less salt, a bit runny, etc. But really, who else's baby hates bananas and peaches, but wants Roasted Red Pepper Hummus all day long?
Weird kid!