Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving and Christmas set up

We've been blog slackers lately. We've had a busy few weeks, and it's been a hectic end to the semester at school . This coming Thursday is our Christmas Assembly at school and my dance class is performing...I am totally nervous! I will hopefully post pictures soon. Troy has been busy organizing finals and attending meetings. Another fabulous side-effect of being in the field of education during winter is the array of sicknesses that we contract! We've all been nearly on our death beds this past week!

To make it worse, our new niece, Hadassah Rose was born on December 6th to Peter and Alisa (Troy's little sis), and we have barely been able to see her since we've been sick all week! Luckily we saw her tonight and she didn't seem offended! (We'll post a picture of her later)

Here are some recent photos:
Jude and cousin Josiah at Thanksgiving! Josiah is such a good cousin. He loves to teach and "babysit" Jude!
One chilly (maybe 65 degrees) morning before our jog...Jude gets to stroll along with us.

Jude and Troy having A BLAST! I can't remember why.


Our tradition: Every year when we first set up Christmas decorations, we sleep under the tree. Jude wasn't quite old enough to join us this year, but in the future it will always be a family affair!

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