Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Weekend

(I got inspired while I was working one morning, why not put Post-Its on your baby, right?)

Literally, it's hurricane weekend here. Though we're only experiencing the edge of the storm, our street is filled with extra cars because many of our neighbors are hosting their families and friends from southeast Texas. We've been watching the news, and Ike is moving north through Texas. It's windy and dark outside, but we won't have winds that cause much damage. Our schools and public buildings are being used for evacuees and Red Cross efforts.

We're thankful that we're not in danger, but we're praying for those who are here and it definitely seems real to us. When we were in the grocery store last night, we heard evacuees talking about how long they thought they'd have to be here. The impact of the storm is amazing. They said our hotels are full, and the population of Austin is close to double it's normal numbers because of those who've fled here from the storm. Please join with us in praying for those affected by they storm.

On a happier note, here are some new pictures:

Jude with Uncle Peter

Jude learning to play ball...he doesn't quite get it yet.

He still loves bathtime:

He also still eats paper....

Here's Jude playing with his cousin Kate,

Family dinner at Oma and Opa's

with Troy,


Rachael said...

Jude just gets cuter all the time! (I especially like the post-it-note picture-ha!) I hope you guys are doing well-we ought to get together sometime. Are you guys available in the next month? We should have dinner...I think it's our turn this time!

Elizabeth said...

He's a cutie. We missed you at church yesterday!!

Clandestine Road said...

Troy! Congratulations on your family and school accomplishments! Jude is a cutie. (I found your blog from Arianna's and was so pleased to see all is well.)

Peace be with you,
Angie Little-Gott (former BJ RA)

Kate said...

I love the last pic, with Troy and Jude! Both of their faces are totally joyful ... what fun!