Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jude's 1/2 birthday

Jude is now 6 months old! Yay! He's also ready for football season.
It's fun to be back in Austin by our family! Jude gets to see many of his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents often. We just need to get the rest of the family to come down and visit!
It's so fun to read to Jude now because he's very interested in the books. Sometimes he prefers to chew on the books, I guess that's just his learning style.
Nothing gets him more excited than bath time! Nothing!
Notice the drool...well, we have some exciting news. Jude has his first tooth! All that drooling is paying off!!!


Cynthia said...

He is so handsome! Glad you guys are so close!

Courtney said...

Actually, a big part of early childhood literacy at this age is the book chewing -- discovering books as tactile objects! :) Warms my little librarian heart to see it. What a cutie!

Lindsey said...

We Loved seeing y'all this week, really hope it can happen more often! And for more than 2 hours at a time! Tell Jude Corie was asking about Baby Jude, and Stevie's juggering (juggling) and Troy's water fountain. hehe, can't wait to see you all again!