Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Still no pictures!

Sorry everybody...the Internet man is coming on Saturday! We will then delight you with many pictures and blogs all the time!

But, we just wanted to say we are still alive, though it's still REALLY HOT here! Troy started his new job and loves it! He just got back from a conference in Charleston, South Carolina...(ok, I'm jealous), and he's been getting used to all the new people and procedures of a new job. He's lamenting having to wear button-down shirts EVERY DAY! But,'s a small price to pay for a job you love, I suppose.

We've reunited with some of our old friends here, and it's been great. I've been able to spend lots of time with Troy's sister and her two kids, but since it's so hot we've been going swimming for most of our outings together.

We're still slowly getting settled into our new house, and everything is going along quite smoothly.

Jude has a cold...part of baby-dom I guess. But, it means that Mama doesn't sleep because baby doesn't sleep, so we've been trying to survive until he feels better. He started solid food (with which I've been very sporadic), and he loved it! I guess we should've guessed he would like it. He never has really had an issue with eating!

We PROMISE to post pictures soon...maybe I'm just projecting on everyone my excitement to see them since we haven't uploaded them from our camera in weeks, but please pretend to be excited!


Paul and Cynthia Coppinger said...

Stevi, I am glad you are enjoying being back in Texas, and blessed that we are some of the friends you have been able to reunite with. We love y'all more than words can say!

And I didn't have a chance to call yesterday, but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!


jhoch said...

no pretending here, we're excited about pictures :). It's great to hear that Troy is enjoying his job so much. I hope Jude is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Stevi, we are very excited about pictures. We miss you guys so much. Troy, we really missed you when you didn't get to come when Stevi did in June. Hope to see you soon, so for now the pictures are all we have, so download away.
Love the Weber's