Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some pictures

The last time we uploaded pictures to our computer was when Jude was 3.5 months. He's now 5.5 months. I guess we have been busy...Here are a few highlights from the last 2 months.

This is at home in Kentucky before we moved...approximately 3 1/2 months old. Yes, teething has been going on for a while now....

This is Jude watching me make chocolate'd think he knows what it tastes like, he's so excited! And don't worry, I don't ever leave him unsupervised on the counter like that!

Troy received a science teaching award at a fancy ceremony and dinner on May 8th. This is just before we left. Bath time...Jude's favorite. These were all still in Kentucky. After we moved out, we don't have any pictures of May 20th until June 7th or so, since we were traveling and our camera was busy in the move...the following are in our new house and all in about the last month....
Hanging out on the blanket.
Jude started to sit up alone really well in mid-June. This is a practice-session, note the boxes and the concerned dog. I think our dogs are just starting to realize Jude is human.

This is Troy installing a ceiling fan in our new family room....when you buy a forclosure, some things are missing :)

Jude's new bathtub in his own bathroom (until we have more kids!)....he thinks it's awesome!

Hanging out with Mama,

And Daddy! Getting ready for his bath! Getting used to Texas involves many things...the crazy sun gear (hats, glasses, swim shirts, etc) are part of the deal. These happen to be Uncle Peter's sunglasses...and they look great!

Jude started solid food last Sunday. Of course, as expected, he loved it! Jude has always been an agreeable eater!Though, he is a messy eater. We've now resorted to taking off all his clothes before he eats.

And, between teething and starting food, I think he puts just about anything in his mouth that he can grab...but paper of any type seems to be a favorite this week. This were the weekly ads last Wednesday, but I've caught him with a grocery list, receipts, and yes, even dirty tissues!

This was a more appropriate option.

And this was Saturday (two days ago). Jude is wearing an outfit that was Troy's as a baby. Yes, this is vintage 1980 gear. I think it's appropriate for 4th of July weekend and will also come in handy for the summer olympics. Troy is trying to get Jude inspired about track and feild, but we're planning to start with crawling sometime soon. Of course, Troy would be very proud to have a little swimmer you can guess, we've been a bit obsessed with the olympic trials lately.

Having fun with his tractor.

Being cute....

Well, that's it for now. We hope everyone feels a little more up-to-date. We're back in the blogging world and looking forward to keeping up with all of you! We miss you!


jhoch said...

Yay for more pictures! Thanks for sharing! He's a cutie and is getting so big.

Kate said...

What a doll! He is so adorable! It is so fun to watch them 'turn into people' ... not that they aren't from in the womb, but seeing their personalities and abilities grow is so great! They do change quickly ... treasure it all!
Glad you are back in the land of the living ... aka connected to the internet :)

paddy1mac said...

Those are some great pics!

Sarah said...

Jude is so cute! We miss you guys!

Pam said...

Great pictures. Love the "vintage" bathing suit. And that chocolate mousse sounds fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Stevi, he is so cute, we miss him so much. We miss you and Troy too, but you don't change looks on a daily basis. We can't wait to see you guys again. Love the Weber's