Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do I have to admit it?

There's a cardboard spaceship in my living room,
A stool in each bathroom, and locks on my cupboards.
In the ceiling fan dwells a tangled grocery store balloon.
Next to our couch: baseball bats and swords...

There are blue Crocks in the dishwasher,
There's a rainbow of chalk on the front walk,
My makeup is war paint, dishtowels: burp rags
The window: a yogurt finger-painting masterpiece.

In my stereo: Veggie Tales. On my Netflix: Thomas.
I am seriously considering a swimsuit with a skirt.
I am an expert on the playgrounds in my town.
I know how different brands of diapers"fit."

My room, once a romantic retreat, is headquarters of
a massive laundry processing enterprise.
I have Costco-sized goldfish and fruit leather boxes in the pantry.
I think I am officially....a mom?

(Of course I love every minute of it...I just had a moment of realization.)


Sarah said...

Hahaha I love it! And I will admit that my carpet often looks like a dot-to-dot rug, and the plastic fruit basket is a permanent fixture on my bookshelf.

Rachael said...

This makes me chuckle! (Don't opt for the skirt...I think you could pull off something a little "younger") :)

Erin MacPherson said...

Ha! It's the yogurt masterpiece on the window that tipped the scales, girl. Perhaps move the table away or avoid foods that can double as fingerpaints?