Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow storm and hanging out....

Well, on Saturday it snowed about 14 inches here...that's NUTS! It's March in Kentucky, so of course everybody was a bit excited since we broke some weather records. It was enough that the city snow crews really couldn't handle it, so we stayed indoors most of the weekend. It's already mostly melted, though, and it's Sunday night.

Other than lots of playing Boggle and watching Seinfeld on DVD, we pretty much did nothing. It was nice!

Last weekend (3/1), my friends Susanna, Laura and I threw a shower for our friend Josie who's having a baby. It was a tea-party shower...very fun!

Jude is smiling now...for the past two weeks or's so rewarding to get that grin!

He actually likes to be changed!

Watching the snow out the window....ok, I know he can't see very far, but we like to think he enjoyed the snowstorm!


Paul and Cynthia Coppinger said...

He is so handsome! That is a great picture of him looking out the window! I can't wait to meet him! Miss you guys!
~Cynthia (and Paul)

Michael and Jessica said...

He's one sweet little guy! So precious. Thanks for sharing pictures, we love to see them!

Beth P said...

Jude is a really cute boy!

And the snowstorm sounds fun!! We really don't get that kind of thing anymore...

(John &) Beth