Sunday, May 9, 2010

IT'S A......

Hey Everyone! If you haven't already heard on Facebook, or through an email, we wanted to share our exciting news that it's a GIRL! Our little one looks healthy and wonderful. We are very thankful, and Jude is excited to have a little sister. So far, I am enjoying pregnancy with a girl...she's much gentler inside than Jude was! We are so thankful for God's kindness in making her. Getting to see her on the ultrasound was a great reminder that God has done the work of knitting her together, and it's really a miracle. All four chambers of her heart, every little rib and even her little nose (which is a lot like Stevi's and doesn't turn up like the noses in the Schuknecht far as we can tell), are all His beautiful creativity. It's nothing I've done, and certainly a display of His amazing grace. We are excited and hope you'll pray for us. We have no idea what to do with a girl, and she's coming in September whether we're ready or not!



Courtney said...

Hooray! Jude is going to be such a good big brother. :)

SIX Thirys said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. So, what's the secret to making a girl? Geesh, we are on round three of boydom :-) but, I love em.

Erin MacPherson said...

YAY! It's a girl!