Tonight I was praying with Jude before bed, and he was telling me the things he was thankful for. He insists on praying for himself these days, which can be quite humorous, but also sweet. Tonight it went like this:
Jude: Dear God and Dear Jude, (we aren't sure why he starts it that way...) Thank you for toys....Mommy, God don't say "You're Welcome."
Me: Oh Honey, God does say it, but we can't hear Him because He lives in heaven, but He can hear us and see us.
Jude: Oh. Heaven in the sky.
Me: Yes, Heaven's way up in the sky. (I know it's not really accurate, but he's else do you explain it?) God and Jesus live there, but they can see us and hear us.
Jude: And the birdies up in heaven too...
Me: Well, the birdies live in the sky, but heaven is far far away where we can't see.
Jude: I wanna go to heaven too.
Me: (Seriously, how do I begin to explain this???) You can go to heaven when you die, but right now God put you here to live with mommy and daddy.
Jude: I wanna go to heaven with God and Jesus and Daddy and Mommy.....there's a fan up there (referring to his ceiling fan, purely a mid-conversation observation).
Me: Someday we'll all go to heaven together, but right now we live here on earth (as if any of this makes sense to him....)
Jude: Where Daddy? Daddy in heaven right now?
Me: No, Daddy's in his car on the way home from Veritas.
Jude: Oh.
Well....I did my best to explain it. But, it's a tough concept.
Until We Meet Again
5 years ago